A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985)

The lead character here is all ready for a high school comedy about a gay teen’s coming of age, BUT his stupid family just HAD to move into the house from A Nightmare on Elm Street after what was left of that film’s cast headed for the hills. Gay or straight, can’t most of us relate? I know I feel like I’m living in the wrong movie sometimes (I expected my 30s to be more James Bond-ish). Anyway, naturally, Freddy Krueger still hangs out at the old address so he can make doors lock by themselves, toasters blow up, pet parakeets turn bloodthirsty, beer cans spontaneously explode and hot dog grills become bonfires when he’s not sneaking into peoples’ dreams and jumping out of their stomachs so he can slash kids to ribbons for kicks. The weak climax almost ruins everything, but there’s a weird spirit here that makes it likable. The gay subtext that flew over the heads of nearly all of us kids in the 80s couldn’t be more obvious to adult eyes today. There’s nothing hidden or unintentional about it, though some of us are still scratching our heads over the S&M gym teacher scene.