Alien Nation (1988)

alien-nationIt’s your basic 1980s brew of loose cannon cops, murder, and drugs on the constantly rain-slicked streets of Los Angeles. This time though, it’s set in a world in which a race of refugee space aliens landed a few years ago and now struggle to assimilate. James Caan is the tough guy police detective who’s bigoted against the newcomers, but works with recently promoted alien detective Mandy Patinkin in order to infiltrate their mysterious world after his partner is killed by one of them. Cutesy stuff about how the aliens get drunk off sour milk and consider uncooked beaver meat to be a tasty dish are as deep as the ideas get here. The whole film plays like a lightweight TV cop show episode that someone rewrote as half-assed sci-fi. Still, it was popular enough to spawn a short-lived TV series, as well as some paperback novels and comic book spin-offs.