Big Bad Wolves (2013)

A horror film that walks like a crime story and often talks like a comedy. It asks the question, “What if a perverted serial murderer of very young girls happened to kill the daughter of a man who has sadistic tendencies of his own?”

And what would happen if that father learned who was the police department’s prime suspect?

And what the hell would happen if that father then kidnapped that guy so that he could torture him?

And what would it mean if the kidnapped man insisted, even in the face of finger-breaking, toenail-ripping punishment, that he was innocent and that the police were wrong?

This is a film that loves dark ironies. It gives you that crazy smirk right from the start. There’s nowhere for this story to go except into Hell and it can take any route to get there. It’s a thrilling suspense film. I was glued to the screen. Didn’t even turn my head during the blowtorch scene.