Bloodletting (1997)

bloodletting1An exploding baby and a blowjob gone blood-splatteringly wrong are the gore highlights of this entertaining micro-budget serial killer love story set in a memorably dreary Ohio. Redhead Ariauna Albright accomplishes what the police couldn’t by figuring out the identity of a crazed local murderer. He’s lonely, moon-faced James L. Edwards, puttering around his little house. She goes to meet him, but not to catch him; rather, she wants to snuggle under his wing and learn how to become a serial killer, too. Amid the knifed stomachs, the severed limbs, and the bullet-shattered skulls, a love affair blossoms. Heartwarming.

The best bit of this ambitious shot-on-video flick is when the two lovebirds argue and then stomp off on their seperate ways into the night. She hooks up with a roofie-packing creep whose brains (and genitals) end up all over the carpet, while he goes to a video store and gets invited to a hilariously lame drug party that ends in a deserved bloodbath.