Cheerleader Autopsy (2003)

cheerleader-autopsyThis shot-on-video gross-out comedy starts out as good old cheerleader sexploitation until all the cheerleaders are flattened by a school bus in the first fifteen minutes. The movie then focuses on a guy named Blain who just got kicked out of “Harverd” medical school and now works for his deranged Uncle Clyde, a small town coroner who’s spent way too much time around dead people. Like Robert Beltran in Eating Raoul, Uncle Clyde’s got himself a deal with a dog food company that buys human carcasses off of him to grind up into their product. He has every intention of handing all the mangled cheerleaders right over to the dog chow people, but one of the girls turns out be still alive, if not quite intact.

Writer/director Stuart Dodge gives us all that in a mere seventy-three minutes PLUS a penis chopped off, testicles chopped off, a riotous cesarean operation on a corpse, breasts, spankings, about three hundred necrophilia jokes, a head shot off, and maybe the best movie title of 2003. Lots of laughs here. Recommended for family gatherings.