Cult of the Cobra (1955)

A group of American GIs return to civilian life in New York City and then die off one-by-one in strange ways. It’s all because of this one time when they got caught sneaking into a super secret snake cult ritual somewhere in Asia and one of the high priest weirdos put a curse on them. Now it’s time to say sayonara.cult-of-the-cobra

One of the guys falls in love with Faith Domergue. She has all the personality of a wastebasket full of old banana peels, but I guess she’s kinda cute. What no one in the movie knows—but that we sure as hell know—is that she’s actually a supernatural snake lady who followed them back to The States and she’s the one who’s doing all the killing.

It’s a mildly entertaining horror flick that glides right by in seventy-eight minutes. This is most notable for the fact that all five of the GI guys went on to become well-known TV stars in the late 50s and the 60s.