Frankenhooker (1990)

It’s tasteless, grotesque, rude, wrong and sure to offend everyone at your weekly quilting club—and it’s one of the funniest film comedies ever made. The plot is the Frankenstein story except with an amateur scientist who seeks to bring his fiancee back to life after a lawnmower accident turns her into a Chef Boyardee product. All he has is her neatly preserved lifeless head. Our scientist gets the rest just like the guy in The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, by checking out girls who have the various parts he wants. And then taking them. Naturally, this involves a sleazy New York City hotel room full of prostitutes who smoke scientifically tainted crack that makes them explode. It’s the big classic scene in a film that’s never less than outrageous and one of the great midnight movies of its time or any other time. Directed by smart sick puppy Frank Henenlotter.