H.O.T.S. (1979)

hotsFour words: Sorority girl strip football. It’s the pot of gold at the end of this entertaining rainbow of raunch. Here you’ve got the classic story of sorority vs. sorority in a vicious game of pranks, humiliation, and lots of nudity. Sometimes that’s all you need in a movie.

The H.O.T.S. gang are actually the sorority rejects, working class girls turned down by the snooty rich bitches. So they form H.O.T.S., squeeze themselves into tiny red shorts and T-shirts that are a size or three too small, and declare war. Naturally, this war involves topless parachuting, boyfriend-stealing, a wet T-shirt contest, and that climactic strip football challenge. The ladies of H.O.T.S. may not have the money that the sorority has, but they’ve got the bigger guns. Especially Lisa London’s.

Classic sex comedy. One of the top five of ’79.