House of Dracula (1945)

house_of_dracula_1_1050_591_81_s_c1The worst of the Universal monster series. In this sequel to House of Frankenstein, Dracula (John Carradine) is (somehow) back and he wants to be cured of his vampirism so he goes to a doctor (Onslow Stevens) who he thinks can help him, but GUESS WHO happens to show up the next day to see that same doctor? Why, Larry “Wolf Man” Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr.), of course, still the most angst-ridden monster in all of Europe. Oh, and the Frankenstein Monster (Glenn Strange) shows up. He’s easy to forget though, because this movie doesn’t make much use of him.

Dracula’s personality change here bothers me. In the movies, Dracula ENJOYS being a vampire. He’s not some wimpola Ann Rice character who’s sad because he can’t see the sun. Dracula knows how to party. But not this time.

Followed by the great Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.