I Married a Monster from Outer Space (1958)

i-married-a-monsterFun 50s sci-fi and a prime example of a piece of pulp that you can read metaphors into for hours. A woman marries a man only to find out that his personality has changed. He’s no longer the charming fella she fell in love with. In fact, ever since the wedding, he’s acquired all the personality of a tuna fish sandwich. Turns out that right before the big day, an alien from outer space took over his body. And it’s not just him. Most of the men in her little 1950s small town are acting pretty goddamn weird lately.

This turns on a couple of plot points that make no sense whatsoever, but you’re watching a movie called I Married a Monster from Outer Space. What the fuck do you want? Still, this fast-paced flick breezes by and is necessary viewing for B-movie lovers.