Invasion of the Star Creatures (1962)

invasion-of-the-star-creaturesAlright, some film company spent a whole $100 or so making this flick about a couple of inept army privates who bumble their way into discovering an alien invasion plot. I respect their time, their effort, and their expense, but I have to level with you. The best thing about this movie are the two Amazons who play the alien invaders. They, Dolores Reed and Gloria Victor, are a pair of eye-poppingly tall, curvy babes whose skimpy space alien uniforms look like Atomic Age showgirl costumes. Their names: Dr. Puna and Prof. Tanga (Get the joke? If not, read the names out loud.)

The worst thing about this movie? Everything else. This is a slapstick comedy, but you won’t laugh at it without the aid of illegal substances. Our two heroes are played by the comic team of Bob Ball and Frankie Ray. Bob Ball is sort of a Stan Laurel-ish helpless moron and Frankie Ray is Oliver Hardy—he’s a little smarter than the other guy, but only a little. Bob Ball does most of the physical comedy. Frankie Ray sometimes launches into James Cagney and Peter Lorre impressions for no reason.

Comedy fans, stay away.

Bad movie fans, add this to your Netflix queue.

Tall woman fetishists, watch this alone.

This is the only film written by Jonathan Haze. That’s right, Seymour from the original 1960 Little Shop of Horrors. Both he and director Bruno VeSota were primarily actors, best known for roles in Roger Corman movies.