Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986)

The makers of this sixth film about the death toll at the worst camping grounds in America KNOW that it’s bad. They get it. They really do. And I like them for it. There are enough jokes to make this partly qualify as a comedy. Call it useless and moronic, but don’t call it smug. This is the second chapter after the so-called final chapter and they’re letting it all hang out. This film stabs holes in logic like Jason Vorhees stabs teenagers. It starts with a vengeful idiot who digs up the grave of Jason Vorhees to burn his remains and then somehow ends up reviving him as a hockey mask-sporting zombie—and it only gets dumber from there. This film is a one-way-ticket to La-La Land on the Idiot Planet dead center of the Stupid Galaxy. Know what to expect and this little skull fracture of a film can’t disappoint. Its best moments are the gags rather than the kills. Get a load of the little girl reading Jean-Paul Sartre. Then there are the two boys who offer their dry commentary on the action whilst they hide under a bed, framed like a vaudeville comedy team by director Tom McLoughlin, as Jason paints the camp red (“So what were you going to be when you grew up?”).