Kill the Scream Queen (2004)

Blood, breasts, and bad acting in only seventy-five minutes. The entire cast is just director/writer/star/long-haired metalhead Bill Zebub and a series of women whom he strips down, ties up, rapes, and kills. That’s it, Daddy-O. It’s all sleaze, no plot. For substance, Bill Zebub’s character sometimes runs off at the mouth about his philosophies on life and horror movies while he tightens the rope around a girl’s ankle or strokes her bare belly with the side of a pair of scissors.

It’s not as harsh as it sounds. Virtually all of the violence is off-screen and most of the actresses barely attempt to sell their fear anyway. No matter how creepy Bill Zebub gets when telling a tied-up girl how he’s about to rape her, most of them stare out with the same blank facial expression one might have waiting in the checkout line at Albertson’s. This was released in 2004, before the “torture porn” thing took off and provided the competition that might have made Mr. Zebub step up his game a bit.

Made on a budget of about $6.50 and shot on video. Most of the movie takes place inside an empty rock club with a few brief outdoor excursions to a wooded area where the killer dumps bodies.