Killer Workout (1986)

I have a running joke with some of my friends about how if I’m ever a billionaire, one venture of mine will be a cable network made up of nothing but women’s exercise shows and women’s beach volleyball games. (My other project will be a basketball league made up solely of obese players who never practice, but that’s neither here nor there.) My big idea would likely fail, but I’d at least give it a try and I think we’d amass a loyal, if small, following of horny, lonely guys susceptible to the hypnosis of a fit and active female form. My channel would have a movie night, I’d insist, and we’d definitely show Killer Workout. My audience will love it. It’s this slasher movie that’s set in a health club, but it’s a lot more interested in swinging spandex asses than it is in slicing blades (the killer’s preferred instrument here is actually, uh, an over-sized safety pin). There’s also enough jiggle here to make you question the integrity of sports bras circa 1986. Director David A. Prior takes ANY excuse he can find to show off pretty girls working out, up to and including the closing credits. There are genuine fitness videos that have less aerobics than this movie. You could probably actually exercise to this. Just take a breather during the slash scenes and the moments that advance the plot. Hopefully, you also don’t mind synthesizer music because it runs all over this flick like sweat on a gym leotard.

What I’m trying to say is that I liked this movie.