Leprechaun (1993)


Yeah yeah, laugh at the killer leprechaun movie all you want. Me, I’m just happy to see dwarf actors get work. Sequels to Time Bandits and Under the Rainbow aren’t exactly rolling off the Hollywood assembly line. And those creeps who made the Lord of the Rings movies used normal-sized actors and then got the special effects computer nerd department to just make ’em LOOK like dwarves. And I saw this one movie about little people called Tiptoes and just guess who plays the lead munchkin in that one? If you said Gary Oldman prancing around on his knees, you win the big prize (watch your mailbox).

In times like this, you sorta want to see a killer dwarf, a dwarf who eats people for breakfast, bathes in their blood, and sips wine from their skulls. And you almost get that here. Warwick Davis is a super-powered evil Irish leprechaun. He can disappear anytime and then reappear anywhere he wants. He’s got sharp claws for scratching and sharp teeth for biting. He’s got limbs that grow right back if you hack ’em off. And you can shoot him with a gun, but it’ll just knock him out for a few minutes. He’s also mighty attached to his bag of a hundred gold coins. Take it away from him and you get your face clawed off. Someone a long time ago made off with his gold and now he’s trying to get it back.

Not a lot of kills here and a little too much comedy. It doesn’t go as far as, say, Killer Klowns From Outer Space toward becoming an outright cartoon, but it’s also too tame to pull off the horror. I can think of better movies to watch if you want to laugh and see heads roll, but somebody must like this because they made about forty-seven sequels.


One of the stars is a young Jennifer Aniston. Before she got famous and got chased around by the paparazzi, she wasn’t very famous and got chased around by a killer leprechaun.