Mutant Chronicles (2008)

mutant-chroniclesAction-packed sci-fi set in 2707 when Earth is overrun by killer bald mutant men with stitches all over their heads and big crab claw arms that can rip peoples’ faces off. There’s a mysterious giant machine that crashed to Earth from outer space 10,000 years ago that turns people into the mutants and the only man who can stop it is Ron Perlman. He’s a monk who’s studied the ancient records that tell all about it, but he needs help so he gets together a group of trained soldiers from all over the world to slice through crab claw monsters on their way to the inside of the machine.

Earth here is a weird combination of futuristic and 18th century Industrial Revolution as humans have long used up all the oil so everything is powered by steam. Even warfare is conducted in the old-fashioned World War I style, with guys in trenches lobbing grenades at each other. It’s a unique look, but director Simon Hunter presents the ENTIRE MOVIE in a bland, dishwater-colored sepia tone that makes it feel like you’re watching it all through a dirty window. Even the skies are brown. Fortunately, the action scenes are real nail-biters and well done for a low-budget flick loaded with rinky-dink SyFy Channel CGI.

Based on a role-playing game.