Mutant Girls Squad (2010)

Japanese gorefest about a team of young hotties with superpowers that mostly involve blades that grow from their various limbs and orifices (the girl who can sprout a chainsaw out of her ass is the highlight). Their leader sends them out to public places to kill government officials along with any bystander who happens to be at the scene. Much neck-chopping, face-slicing, arm-hacking, head-exploding, blood-spraying fun follows. Eventually, some of the girls get wise to the idea that constantly slaughtering people isn’t very cool and that maybe they’re being manipulated for someone else’s benefit.

It’s entertaining, but nothing to get too excited about. Somehow it took THREE directors to make this. There’s Noboru Iguchi, former director of some hilariously titled porn movies and now purveyor of comic action films that usually feature young schoolgirls. There’s Yoshihiro Nishimura, who also made Tokyo Gore Police and who paints Japan red every time he makes a new movie. Then, there’s Tak Sakaguchi, who also takes an acting role here as the girls’ shady Svengali.