Phantasm (1979)

phantasmWeird stuff happening in the cemetery. We’ve seen that sort of thing before, but this one is about a creepy undertaker, The Tall Man (Angus Scrimm), who’s actually a supernatural space alien guy who’s collecting dead bodies so he can turn them into little hooded killer munchkins. The film never tells us WHY he’s doing this, but, really, who wouldn’t want an army of hooded dwarfs at their beck and call? Maybe The Tall Man needs help moving. In any case, a young kid is soon onto his game and tries to stop him. Chase scenes and mayhem ensue. Sometimes The Tall Man has to pull out his little metal ball that flies through the air and sprouts blades that stab people in the face.

Oddball movie. Not the goriest or scariest thing on the shelf, but it’s unpredictable and keeps you watching even when you don’t know what’s going on.