Rabid (1977)

rabid-1The zombie movie and the biological horror film meet in this entertaining early work from creepy Canadian David Cronenberg. Here, a rabies-like virus turns people into mindless killers who foam at the mouth like cappuccino machines and have pus oozing out of their eyes. They’re dripping all over the place and if any of that goo gets on you, cancel all plans for the evening because you’re gonna turn into one of the crazy killer pus people. Marilyn Chambers (in her first and only major part in a non-porn film) is the carrier of the virus. Her problems start when plastic surgeons perform experimental surgery on her after she’s hurt in a motorcycle accident. Now she has a thirst for blood and a quivering new orifice on her neck that sprouts a wormy, phallus-like stinger which she uses to infect random strangers.

Director Allan Moyle makes a small appearance toward the end as a victim.