Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964)

The most corny low-budget children’s film of the 1960s not directed by Ray Dennis Steckler. It survives the years as prime holiday pudding for connoisseurs of bad movies. It’s a big red Santa sack full of cringey comic relief, nickel-and-dime costumes (my favorite: the cutest killer polar bear in movie history), scenes that plod like a toy robot that’s low on batteries, and, worst of all, precocious child actors, including a ten-year-old Pia Zadora as a green-painted Martian tyke. The story concerns Martians who kidnap Santa Claus because their children are unhappy and they think that a little Christmas cheer is all they need. This was originally made for kids, but no one today sits through it all without some adult beverages coursing through their system.