Side Street (1950)

In this film noir, Farley Granger plays one of the dumbest regular guys to ever get mixed up in big city crime. He’s got a wife, a baby on the way, a part-time job as a mailman, about one-fourth of a brain in his head, and $30,000 that he stole from a crooked lawyer. Due to making nothing but the worst possible decisions throughout the entire film, Granger ends up the prime suspect in a murder that he didn’t commit and chased for the money he stole.side-street

Following up on Nicholas Ray’s great They Live By Night, this is the second film to pair Farley Granger and Cathy O’Donnell. Granger even plays a similar character here: a basically good guy who’s got no business living a life of crime. However, this isn’t nearly as good and it even wastes Cathy O’Donnell, who glows in They Live By Night, but barely flickers here as the laid-up wife. Distinguished genre director Anthony Mann has better films to his name.

The New York City scenery is very nice, though. This was shot on location, with several stunning bird’s-eye-views of urban sprawl.