Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991)

Only the most devoted among us make it to Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 5. They are the few, the proud, the drunk, the stoned, the unemployed, the owners of VCRs, the grinches, the goofs, the freaks, the dorks and one or two very serious Mickey Rooney completists.

There’s good news for all of these people though because this is a decent, out-to-lunch killer toy flick. The series is long past the slasher Santa plot and is now about a toy maker who’s producing seemingly innocent Christmas gifts that spontaneously explode or rip your face off. Who’s the good guy? Who’s the bad guy? You’re gonna have to watch this all the way to the offbeat ending to find out.

In the meantime, the script keeps it all mysterious by throwing out about nine hundred red herrings that are effective mostly because no one here cares if they make ANY sense. The strange tone, performances and “what the fuck?” moments are what save this one. For those, you might partly credit co-writer/co-producer Brian Yuzna, whose name anywhere on a film is a reliable sign of weirdness ahead.