Skin Crawl (2007)

Cautionary tale about the hazards of murdering your wife IF she’s carrying around a centuries old witch curse that says she’ll come back as a super-strength zombie and get revenge. It’s not pretty. Intestines fly, blood sprays, and some gross stuff that involves worms and bugs happens that I probably shouldn’t reveal. Debbie Rochon is the zombie wife. Julian Wells is the sleazy mistress. It’s slow-going for awhile because writer/director Justin Wingenfeld is a little too impressed with some non-linear storytelling tricks that take up the whole first half of the movie. Julian Wells gets naked about every five minutes though, and that helps ease the pain. Especially in the spanking scene.

It’s a shot-on-videotape cheapie made in 2002. Look for Misty Mundae in a small part as a prostitute.