Society (1989)

The less you know about this first film directed by horror oddball Brian Yuzna the better before you see it, so I’ll keep this short and vague and padded out with jokes about how star Billy Warlock looks exactly like John Stamos. This is one of those “what the fuck is going on here?” horror movies. You’re not sure what’s real and what isn’t. You can’t tell the crazy people apart from the sane ones any better than you can tell Mary Kate Olsen apart from Ashley. You’re not sure if ANY of these characters are carrying a full house. The only sure thing: Warlock’s mullet is consistently fluffy and perfect through even the worst of trials, no matter how confusing or how Cronenberg/Henenlotter-level freaky the gore gets. This is not a turn-your-brain-off movie. Yuzna’s clever and has an advanced understanding of surrealism on film. He gives you a real eyeful. When things get really weird, he’s good at pulling his camera back so we can take it all in like a Hieronymus Bosch painting. It’s a satire of the rich, affluent and socially incestuous via an outsider’s elaborate fantasy of what might be going on behind those winding driveways and grand doorways. Yuzna skips across the perfect lawn and then sneaks into the house through the keyhole. It’s no trip to Kokomo.