Terrified (1963)

terrifiedEveryone in this movie needs a good motivational talk. The wimpy bad guy here just ACTS like he’s gonna kill people, but never does. The good guys go to a spooky old ghost town to find him, but when he shows up and runs away, they don’t even chase him. Yes, it’s one of those movies full of people who just look around. And talk. And then talk some more. There’s not much action. The cool opening scene of the ski mask-wearing villain burying some poor sap in wet cement sets up you for a good time that the rest of the film never delivers. The nicest thing I can say is that leading lady Tracy Olsen is a fetching Mary Tyler Moore lookalike.

This is the final credit in the long B-movie career of director Lew Landers, who died at age 61 of a heart attack shortly before this came out.