The Back Lot Murders (2002)

A psycho killer is loose on the rock music video set! This sort of thing needs to happen more often. In real life, I mean.

What’s interesting about this low-budget trifle is how seasoned performers Charles Fleischer and Priscilla Barnes play over the rest of the cast. They move through this film like a couple of jaded old pros entertaining each other. Priscilla Barnes, playing the band’s abrasive manager, is pure deviled ham. Meanwhile, Charles Fleischer’s swishy video director constantly gets in sassy, seemingly improvised put-downs to the vapid young cast of mongoloid rocker dudes and plastic girls. back-lot-murders

Overall, this is an okay place to get your B-movie appetite satisfied. It’s dumb, has some good murders, and the girls are pretty. The chase scenes in this are some of the most jiggly you’ll find on DVD. Jaime Anstead, in particular, must have given herself a black eye at some point due to the furious bouncing of her two enormous silicon friends as she runs from the killer.