The Green Hornet (1940)

Newspaper editor by day and masked crusader by night The Green Hornet (Gordon Jones) busts up a series of small-time rackets by the big city crime syndicate in this so-so thirteen-chapter serial from Universal. When the bad guys try to muscle in on a flight school, the Hornet’s there to ground them. When they prey on a zoo, the Hornet roars in to show them who’s their keeper. When they try to get protection money from a condom store, the Hornet sees to it that they get stiffed (okay, they don’t go after a condom store). Point is that the villains here are less ambitious than most serial heavies. Usually, these guys want to take over the world. Here, all the bad guys want to do is take over some dry cleaners and lemonade stands. That’s still not very cool, though. Thank God we’ve got the Green Hornet to save the day. Along for the ride is trusty Asian sidekick Kato (Keye Luke), steadfast in his loyalty, his dedication and his pronunciation of his R’s as L’s. Also, I hope you like “Flight of the Bumblebee” because you’re gonna hear it roughly every two minutes here. It’s the Green Hornet’s theme and he and Kato can’t swing into action without it.