The Lost Boys (1987)

Part of this vampire flick’s lasting appeal is that it’s just as much a likable teen comedy as it is a horror film. It’s also set in a memorably scuzzy California beach town gone to seed. It’s a place where the kids are mostly pierced-and-dyed freaks and the elders are burned-out hippies. Teen brothers Jason Patric and Corey Haim are the new kids in town. Patric is the scruffy brooder who becomes a bloodsucker when he tries to fit in among Kiefer Sutherland’s super cool vampire motorcycle gang who dress like a goth metal band and live in a torch-lit hole in the ground. Meanwhile, Haim handily carries most of the comedy (he’s like a Tiger Beat take on Bob Hope, lily-livered and bumbling his way to survival) as Patric’s younger brother who’s trying to save him. The direction by Joel Schumacher couldn’t be more breezy. The scares and laughs blend together in primo slick Hollywood style that constantly hits crowd-pleasing notes, the soundtrack is totally 80s and so is Corey Haim’s pastel wardrobe.