The Pom Pom Girls (1976)

pom-pom-girls-10-pngA virtually plotless teen comedy about high school football players and cheerleaders acting like idiots. It’s perfect for the drive-ins because you don’t have to pay attention. You could miss a half hour of this and still know what’s going on when you get back.

This film has everything you’d want out of the genre. It’s got drive-in burger joints, make out sessions in the back of a van with soft rock in the 8-track deck, motorcycle-riding, school-skipping, locker room nudity, underage beer-buying, pot-smoking, felonies gleefully committed, bikini cheerleader practice, vicious rival school shenanigans, a parody of the classic teen knife fight scene, Rainbeaux Smith in a small part, and a few good jokes.

Essential viewing for those with a taste for the spirit of ’76. Fans of Dazed & Confused should look into this one.