Unfriended (2014)

All sorts of people love horror movies, but there are two main audiences who turn out on a consistent basis, pay their money and provide the profits no matter how bad the reviews are:

A) Teenagers
B) lonely men.

They’re the stalwarts. And they’re the ones at whom this little scare flick takes careful aim. To the kids, this story of a cyber-bullied suicide who returns to haunt the Skype conversations and Facebook feeds of a pack of young brain-deads might hit close to home. To the older, lonely creeps, it’s a glimpse into the world of kids for whom social media is a lifeline to everything and they use it like second nature. The ENTIRE movie is framed through the view of one girl’s internet browser (a laptop screen may be the perfect way to watch this). Nobody goes outside, nobody tries to start a car that won’t fire up, nobody has a cat leap on them from the shadows. EVERYONE here is just perched in front of their computers, waiting for the next freaky message from the dead girl’s Facebook account to pop up until some weird supernatural death takes them out.

It’s COMPLETELY ridiculous and brain-damaged all around, as well as a clever use of a low budget. And that’s why I kinda like it.

Still, maybe the most fun thing about it is watching the closing credits and trying to figure out how so many names can be attached to a film that looks like it could have been made by ten people.