Vamp (1986)

vampThis horror-comedy is just a few Coreys short of the cult status of The Lost Boys (which came out a year later). To a score of synthesizer music and drum machines, two college guys venture to the After Dark strip club one night in hopes of hiring a girl to work at a frat party. Turns out that vampires run the place and their leader is firm-bodied Grace Jones. She also performs at the club in whiteface, a red wig, and a bikini that looks like it’s made out of a few Silly Straws. She doesn’t say a word in the entire film, but with that wardrobe, who cares? It all adds up to some entertaining idiocy with colorful Suspiria-like lighting schemes. The climax here doesn’t make a nickel’s worth of sense, but that’s okay. Filling out the ultra-80s cast are Chris Makepeace as the nice guy who lives to the end, Gedde Watanabe playing a goofball not too far from his Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles, Robert Rusler as the cocky guy, and Deedee Pfeiffer as the good girl waitress at the club.