V/H/S (2012)

I have a lot of bad news about this gory horror anthology. First off, it’s another one of those “found footage” movies with shaky cameras that dart all over the place, but that never capture one original moment. Second, ALL of the stories are variations on one of the most common plot twists in modern horror fiction: the apparently benign or mildly suspicious person who turns out to be more dangerous than anyone might have thought. Third, every character is as annoying as a blaring car alarm at 2 AM.

The good news is that almost all of these morons die in gushing bloodbaths, often with entrails tossed about like so much confetti. Also, each episode is about twenty minutes long, so you only have to spend a little bit of time with each pack of idiots before they die off and get replaced by fresh meat in the next story. The best segment might be the one about the four young goofballs—all of them perfect slasher bait—who take a deadly trip into the woods where a mysterious predator resides, because it’s the only story that’s almost sort of original.

It’s NOT original, but we’ve gotta grade on a curve here.