Vice Academy 2 (1990)

The world needed a Vice Academy sequel. The original left a lot unsaid. What happens to the girls after police academy graduation? What’s their first case? What will they be wearing? And when will they be taking it off? Do stars Linnea Quigley and Ginger Lynn Allen still thinly conceal onscreen how much they couldn’t stand each other in real life? Has director Rick Sloane progressed from his rudimentary, circa 1920 sense of scene-blocking and composition? And do I even have to tell you the answers to those questions?

You know what’s up. This movie is pretty much the same dang thing as the first one, except this time the girls face off against a lady super villain called Spanish Fly. She’s got a dominatrix outfit and a concoction that turns people into sex maniacs and she intends to get everyone in the city hooked on it. Meanwhile, the cops have a new robot enforcer on their side in the form of a towering, blonde bruiser called BimboCop. In other words, Rick Sloane saw Batman and he saw Robocop and he took a few notes on a cocktail napkin about what to parody. That was all fine with anyone watching this on cable TV at midnight on a Saturday, which is how most people saw it. About the only thing that Sloane is careful about here is making sure that it’s USA Network-friendly. As in the first one, there’s little to no naughty language and the light nudity can be edited out with ease. What’s left is just pretty girls and dumb jokes, which is enough for me. No one can act, but they seem happy to be there. I’ll take it.