Vicious Lips (1986)

It’s the old story about space travelers stranded on a hostile alien planet, except that this one gives us an all-girl rock band of the future who run into some bad luck on their trip across the galaxy for a big gig. They’re called The Vicious Lips, they sound like Pat Benatar lost in a synthesizer factory and they fight amongst each other like cats. Oh, and they’re in a stolen spaceship that happens to have a mutant monster that looks like Alice Cooper hiding on it. It’s pure 80s camp that swims in keyboard music and neon hues. It makes no sense and is proud of it. It’s a little talky at times, but it’s entertaining enough as an artifact of the era. Some of the songs feature the belting vocals of Sue Saad, whom diligent new wave record collectors will know from the band Sue Saad and The Next.