Vile (2011)

A gutless torture porn knock-off on a budget that would barely buy a used Ford Escort. A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a house of torture, but the bad guys here are too lazy to build crazy traps like the ones in the Saw movies, so instead they force their captives to torture each other. You see, the victims here all have sensors attached to the back of their necks that measure pain. Once the room has reached their quota of pain, they’re free to leave. This is all somehow in the service of a new drug that’s being developed.

Makes sense to me, but then I didn’t do very well on my SAT scores.

The result of all this malarky is that everyone in the group takes turns being maimed with hot irons, boiling water and pliers (their only rule: stay away from the genitals). The highlight is actress Maya Hazen as the Queen Bitch of the group who zealously tortures others without even thinking about what she’s got coming. When it’s her turn, everybody pulls out all the stops, of course.