Independence Day (1996)

It’s one of the worst alien invasion movies ever and it hogs up way too much of your time already so I’ll keep this review brief. In the two-and-a-half motherfucking, cocksucking hours that this inane pile of shit drones on, you could fit in TWO smartly selected vintage 1950s UFO flicks and, I think, have a much better time. This movie is a tribute to that stuff anyway (as long as we define a tribute as a soulless rip-off that misses the point). You might as well make one of those films in your double-feature Earth vs. the Flying Saucers because Roland Emmerich’s bloated behemoth here is a near-remake, right down to the attacks on Washington DC landmarks. No matter what your other choice is, it’s bound to be much less cute, boast much fewer phony audience applause break scenes, NOT feature the President of the United States hop into a fighter jet to kick alien ass and, very importantly, NOT be the same running time as Goodfellas without a single character who isn’t straight from the Hollywood cookie cutter. Even the aliens are hack H.R. Giger imitations. Not that you can tell the difference much between them and these plastic humans.