Paul McCartney
McCartney II
1980, Columbia Records
I love January. To me, it’s one of the best months. Even as a lifelong Texan who despises cold weather, I can still enjoy January.
What can I say? I like a nice Christmas tree tossed out on a curb. It’s a beautiful sight.
The holidays are over and now we can really relax. I can die now and not feel bad about ruining anyone’s festive plans. So can you. So can anybody. Isn’t that nice?
January to me is about appreciating normalcy. The humdrum becomes fresh air after Christmas and New Year’s. The stores are open at regular hours and fifteen people aren’t always offering me a bunch of fattening food.
Also, the worst music ever made is no longer playing absolutely everywhere.
What would Paul McCartney think of my bad attitude? From what I gather, he’s an old stoner and probably wouldn’t give a damn. He probably wouldn’t even care that I consider HIS Christmas song (“Wonderful Christmastime”) to be among the most wretched of the December canon.
In this hypothetical scenario though in which Paul McCartney and I are hanging out and talking about Christmas, I might try to swing the discussion to McCartney II and why I consider it to be perfect January music.
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