The Sparks Brothers

2021, Director: Edgar Wright

When I first heard Sparks, they felt like one of those brilliant secrets of the used vinyl bins that you run into from time to time. For a few years, that was the only place I ever encountered them (never saw them in the CD racks at all). In the 90s, most old records were treated like the unwanted mess left over from yesterday’s party. Prices were low even on a lot of classic stuff and on a good day, I could get my hands on some real jewels for shockingly little money.

You bought records based on cool cover art a lot of the time and I’m pretty sure that’s why I went for Kimono My House one day. 

I paid my $3.99 for it, took it home (well, to my dorm), slipped on the headphones, laid the needle down on the record and then when “This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us” started to pound, explode, and do melodic somersaults in my ears, it was one of those “holy shit” moments. It’s not just a great song; it’s a song that can feel like it’s changing you, like it’s sending you in a strange new direction somehow. 

That song turned up loud and coming at you from left field is still my personal pick for the best way to discover Sparks. 

The second best way? In 2021, Edgar Wright’s documentary feels good to me. It’s a lively, energizing film that I’d happily recommend to someone who’s new to the curious of path of Ron and Russell Mael. 

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